Versatile Veneers Easily Remedy Many Smile Flaws

Versatile Veneers Easily Remedy Many Smile Flaws

There are plenty of small imperfections which can make your smile look less than a hundred percent perfect. From slight discolorations to small chips or uneven gums, every slight discrepancy adds up to make you feel self-conscious. Fortunately, there’s a fast and easy solution.

At Fayette Dental Group, serving patients in Fayetteville, Georgia, and the surrounding area, Dr. Charley Cheney and our team of experienced dental specialists have an entire toolkit of cosmetic dental procedures waiting for you. One of our most popular services is the application of porcelain veneers to your front-facing teeth, giving you a perfect smile that’s easy to take care of and maintain. 

The versatility of veneers

While there are several materials that can be used to manufacture veneers, including composites, Dr. Cheney prefers time-tested and patient-approved porcelain veneers.

These wafer-thin shells are strong, durable, and have the same translucent shine as tooth enamel. We ensure your veneers give you a straight, even smile, and the exact shade of tooth whiteness you crave.

Smile flaws veneers can remedy

Many smile flaws simply disappear when covered over by veneers. We use them to help patients who struggle with:

While veneers can’t correct a serious bite misalignment and shouldn’t be used to cover up severely broken teeth, they’re a great way to eliminate multiple small smile imperfections, and the porcelain is very resistant to breakage or staining

Getting veneers

We start with a consultation and help you choose the smile that best suits you. Then we prepare your teeth for your veneers by shaving off a thin layer of enamel so your veneers won’t stick out.

We make impressions of your teeth and send them to the fabrication lab. When your completed veneers come in, we call you for your second appointment and bond your veneers in place.

Veneers are easy to care for: just treat them like your regular teeth with proper brushing and flossing. It’s not uncommon for veneers to last 10-20 years, although after that you will likely need to have them replaced. As long as you take care of your teeth and gums, your veneers should serve you well.

Ready for the smile of your dreams? Call 770-683-2000 to book a consultation, or request an appointment using our online form.

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